I was born in northern India in a traditional Hindu family. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by my mother’s holistic Ayurvedic teachings, but by the age of nine, my family had immigrated to Canada with the treasures of my childhood.

The treasures came from the environment I grew up in as a child. It was a very spiritualized scene surrounded by a big temple, a cowshed, a vast garden filled with exotic flowers that left a lingering scent, and a well for sweet water. The house was filled with the rhythmic sounds of gongs and the aromatic smell of incense. Everyday rituals were sought out from ancient texts of Vedas and
were blended into our daily life.
While adapting to Western culture, my mother preserved our traditions through healthy routines like hair oiling. This ritual brought upon my 15-year long career in hair care. I embraced my new life as a mother of two children in the fashion capital of New York City. Then, unexpectedly, I was presented with an unfathomable challenge, my 15-month old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. This was soon followed by a challenging divorce. It came to a pivotal point where I wanted to start a new chapter in my life, I wanted a fresh start.

This is when I decided that I needed to start writing that chapter of my life which led me to immersing myself into my upbringing and to self-heal through mind, body, and soul. To further expand my knowledge, I studied Ayurveda with Dr. Naina Marballi, a Vaidya with over 40 years of experience in practicing this ancient medicine. Finally, the pieces started to fall into place: my mother’s remedies, my family traditions and my spiritual well being.
A blend of the past and the present was the ideal gift passed onto me by my parents. Ayurveda, a foundation filled with love to radiate your inner and outer being. This is the gift I want to share with you, a holistic way to feel powerful and beautiful. Through Mata Ayurveda, it is my intention to start a non-profit to empower others to find healing.
Through the passage of time, I have arrived here. I am Shivangi, a name that carries the foundation of this universe, love.
Sharing my love from me to you,
Shivangi Tripathi Founder of Mata Ayurveda